Game Development – Part 1

I have always wanted to make games. The idea of creating something to play that I can call mine is nice, and the games I want are done slightly differently than how other people have attempted. The problem is for the most part I’ve been stuck in tutorial hell. I’ve built games, following along with a tutorial, I built 1 of my own complete/custom games, but it was very… MVP. I have some games I’d like to make while learning a new engine. I am going to go with Godot C# specifically.

  1. Professionally I work with C# apps (Operations side)
  2. Godot is open source and I really appreciate that. Not everything I use is, but this is one area I would like to keep that way
  3. It is a great 2D engine and the 3D engine is coming along
  4. Licensing/royalties, or really, lack thereof.

All of that to say Godot wins my heart for now. I mentioned some games I’d like to make while learning the engine. Here is the plan…

  1. A Zelda like clone. This is going to be simple and just follow a tutorial. This is to introduce me to the game engine.
  2. A 2D Platformer. Simple enough right?
  3. A game I would enjoy playing. Probably a little driving type top down game.
  4. My first game to distribute.

I’m giving myself 1 year to do t he above. 4 Games in a year is a pretty tall order. I also have to mix in

  1. Family
  2. Work
  3. Hobbies

It won’t be easy but if I’m left to my own vices I will never get anything done. The main goal I have is to obtain some professional certifications in the year as well as get through these games. July 1st I’ll begin the timer officially with the next couple days giving me time to get some of the prereqs done. By the time this is over I’ll be Azure, AWS, Terraform, and Kubernetes certified as well as hopefully have a game on the way. If the games go quicker than I thought or if I decide I want a cloud project, the above is subject to change to get a fully working version of my card game up and running… and maybe with more art. We will see. I at least need to get through the tutorial.

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