Game Development – Part 2

I have decided to go with Unreal ultimately. No real idea why so much as just go for something. Analysis paralysis is a real thing. I have to do something. If it’s wrong it is s till closer to right than nothing. Some of the reasons I justified it to my self were:

  1. Licensing
  2. Exporting
  3. C++ (Always wanted to learn C++)
  4. Community

I enjoy the idea of utilizing this and getting somewhere. Going to work on learning both blueprints and the direct use of code in Unreal. The main plan right now is to find a tutorial of a game I like and follow it from start to finish trying to learn and get really into it. Probably a game that requires at least 10-12 hours to code a basic rudimentary clone. I couldn’t find a Zelda one easily so I will look around.

For this tutorial if game assets are not provided I will just to find some basic ones that should fit that fit under the CC0.

This is a short post but that’s what it is.

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