Game Development – Part 4

I started it and realized I would like to actually do PyGame first. I found a really awesome tutorial from ClearCode on YouTube. Specifically this 5 games in PyGame to learn PyGame. I have to balance this to probably about 20 minutes a day and come up with a plan to finish my other work too. I believe I’m going to have to do 2 hours a day to get everything I want done + this pygame stuff. We will see. I am aiming to have my DevOps AWS Cert in Q4, and get my SysOps cert this quarter. We will have to see what happens. Additionally I will need to get my Terraform and K8s certs this month hopefully so going to really drill in on those. Probably do those in increments to try and get them done in a reasonable amount of time.

Back on Game Dev journey though I am planning on making a prototype completely in Python and opted to go with PyGame as it is an SDL implementation and I am learning to make games all the same. The goal is to make games in PyGame get some experience and then really go deep into Python. A fallback to game development is AI, and of course, fallback to that is Principal SRE positions. So it’s all interconnected, and Python would be useful in any of those, but mostly the experience from PyGame specifically for Game Development.

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